Why the replacement to the HRA (1998) is a terrible idea.
First of all, what will the Bill of Rights do? Well, in 1998, the Human Rights Act (HRA) passed by Mr Blair's government entrenched the ECHR (European Convention of Human Rights) into UK law, making it admissible in our own courts. The ECHR has protected rights and no matter what the government says the ECtHR only rules against the government if the rule of law is broken! Now, the Bill of Rights originated with Dominic Raab - now Deputy PM and Justice Secretary - in 2009 when he published the book " The Assault on Liberty: What Went Wrong with Rights" . The original idea of the removal of the HRA was of course before then, but lacked a replacement which Raab provides. Conservatives were not happy with the idea of prisoner's voting which the ECtHR have ruled for, stating that it infringes upon Article 3, Protocol No.1 "The Right to Free Elections". In the land of Westminster, have we seen prisoner's voting? No. Why? Because, de jure, we should allow them ...